Gay bars london ontario

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Sunday, Monday and Thursday nights are home to TV/TS, gay men and their admirers. However, people travel from miles around just to experience this unique environment which caters for a men-only evening on Friday. Ted’s Place is the local gay bar for the residents of Hammersmith, Fulham, Shepherd’s Bush and Earls Court. Ted’s Place has been a cornerstone of the gay scene in West London, offering the same reassuring, familiar and wonderful experience every time. Endearingly refered to as “A Fulham institution”. Ted’s Place offers a fun environment attracting a wide range of people. Looking around, the walls are very dark and the lighting subtle. This is apparent seeing and speaking with people who walk down the stairs and join you at the bar. From the bottom of the stairs to the left, you will find the bar with very friendly staff and of course the owner, Ted.Įveryone is welcome at Ted’s Place. Pop your coat into the cloakroom and descend down the stairs into a perfectly formed, cavernous basement bar.

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Discreetly located in the heart of Fulham.

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