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Please use link flairs when posting! To do that, after you submit your post, click the 'Flair' button under it and select a flair. Try testing with a new user profile with no cusomt settings and also try flushing the app's cache. If the issue persists, list any much information about your computer that may be helpful in diagnosing the issue.

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When posting a comment or question, asking for help, or reporting a possible bug please include Vivaldi version ( the ACTUAL VERSION NUMBER, NOT 'LATEST VERSION) and OS that you're using (using a post flair (see below) is fine for this purpose Though Vivaldi staff sometime visit and reply in this rubReddit, this is an unofficial Vivaldi community. Vivaldi is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.

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Vivaldi is a web browser for power users that is fast, rich in functionality, flexible and puts the user first.

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